A Day In Hobbiton!

Feb5 and on the move again. A 2+ hour drive brought us to Hobbiton! We are all Tolkien fans and have been eagerly anticipating the tour. The bus ride starts with a welcome video from Peter Jackson and some fun LOTR (Lord Of The Rings) trivia from our guide. Then off to the Shire!

Our first view of Hobbiton!
Looking up the hill with Bilbo and Frodo’s home at the top.
The Boys In Hobbiton.
Too bad they don’t rent the rooms!
Sam and Rosie’s home.
Bag End, the home of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins
Another view of Bag End
Inside Bag End
Enjoying Bilbo’s sitting room.
Bilbo’s famously well stocked larder.
Robby in the Library getting his ‘writer’s inspiration’.
The Green Dragon Inn
Getting a pint at the Green Dragon bar.

For a “Tourist Spot” this was incredibly well done. The place was immaculately well kept, all the gardens were in fabulous shape and the crowds were small enough and spaced out well enough to not feel crowded. It was a magical tour and brought back many memories of reading and watching the Hobbit and the Lord Of The Rings books and movies.

1 thought on “A Day In Hobbiton!

  1. Louise Ransil says:

    I definitely remember most of that imagery. I’m glad New Zealanders preserved what we did there and are now sharing it with the World.


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