After much effort, it looks like I finally have the new website working well enough. If you look back through the blog posts, you will see more than six posts that never were posted on the old site. The most recent ‘real post’ is about our plans for 2024.
You might look around at other parts of the new website. The ‘About Calista’ has a lot of details about the boat that might interest other sailors.
The map shows Calista’s current location. I am working to build a system that automatically updates the location every hour if we are under way and daily if we are stationary.
The Gallery is still a work in progress, currently just containing a random selection of pics in a presentation that often clips a lot of the pics. More work is needed here as well.
We hope everyone had a good Holiday season at the end of 2023 and that you are looking forward to a great 2024!